What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

Baby Yoda has captured the hearts of the entire nation. He has even captured my heart, and I didn’t know I had one of those.

I want to believe in my soul that Baby Yoda has a library card. I have yet to witness him actually visiting a library, but a creature so perfect must certainly support his local library.

When Baby Yoda finally makes his way to the library, here is what I believe he would check out.


What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

Calm: Mindfulness for Kids by Wynne Kinder

When it comes to being all knowing and all chill, we all have to start somewhere. I’m nowhere near the level of zen that Baby Yoda has achieved, but I’m trying. I do turn on the eco setting in my car so that I drive slower, and I think Baby Yoda would be very proud of that.

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What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

The Tea Book by Louise Cheadle and Nick Kilby

Our little dude loves to sip some tea. He deserves all of the tea in the world. I am not opposed to an entire episode of him just sipping some tea. I’m not sure that my heart can handle it, but I’m willing to try.

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What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

Stories for Boys Who Dare To Be Different by Ben Brooks

Baby Yoda is a warrior of the mind. He dares to be different and adorable at the same time. This collection of bedtime stories will be the perfect companion for Baby Yoda as he becomes the Old Man Yoda that we all know and love. It’ll be a while though, so sit tight.

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What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

Grammar Essentials for Dummies by Geraldine Woods

It’s really never too early to get started on your grammar lessons, right? I’m not saying that grown Yoda needs help with his grammar, but I’m also not not saying that.

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What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

The Young Chef’s French Cookbook by Rosalba Gioffre

I want to support everything Baby Yoda does. I want to celebrate his livelihood at all times. What I’m trying to say, is that I’m trying very hard to continue loving him even while he eats live frogs. It’s not easy, but love is always a work in progress. Perhaps this cookbook will offer up some alternatives to his love for frogs. Just a thought.

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What Would Baby Yoda Check Out from the Library?

Be still my weak sad little heart.