School’s been back in session for a while. Are you still struggling to get into the swing of things after the long holiday? Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, oh my! Did your teachers drop multiple papers and group projects on you?

Give Harvest Moon: Light of Hope a spin to wind down between homework assignments! It’s available on many consoles, so no matter what you own, you’ll be able to play it. Light of Hope can be found on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Android mobile devices.

Video Game Recommendation: “Harvest Moon: Light Of Hope”

Light of Hope is the video game equivalent of having a cup of tea and reading a fluffy book. There’s not much thinking, just playing. So you can forget all your worries and cares!

Its chill quality is perfect for when you feel like playing a game but aren’t ready to commit yourself to a long bout of playtime. You only wanna play a little bit, not all day? Since there isn’t a real story to it, you can pick it up and put it down whenever you want. Your farm will still be there, ready for you to take care of. It’s the perfect thing to soothe your tender soul between a million math problems and that 15 page AP assignment.

Video Game Recommendation: “Harvest Moon: Light Of Hope”

Video Game Recommendation: “Harvest Moon: Light Of Hope”

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope is the latest edition in a long line of Harvest Moon games that the library owns. It’s a farming simulator, yes, but there’s more to it than just planting, growing and harvesting crops.

You can:

  • Restore the lighthouse (main plot)
  • Go Fishing
  • Go Mining for ore, like iron or diamonds (and more!)
  • Raise livestock, like chickens and cows (and more!)
  • Help out townspeople for rewards
  • Get married

But be forewarned, this game is addictive. When I first got it from interlibrary loan, I was playing it nonstop the entire week I had it. Of course, I also renewed it as many times as I could! It was a sad day indeed when it had to go back to the library. I didn’t know what to do with myself! Now that I’ve gotten it for Christmas (squeeeeeeeee), I can farm to my heart’s content. You don’t have to worry about me having it checked out any longer!

Give it a try today!