“Discipline equals freedom.” ― Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Are you worried you’re not making the right moves in your career? Are you living the life you want to live? All of us have things we want to change, but change is hard without the right tools. A lot has been written on self help, but not all of them are worth your time. Give yourself a leg up, and check out these titles that will help you succeed in business, relationships and in life. Your time is valuable, and most of these titles are available on both eBook and eAudio, so you can read them the way you want.

Uplift and Optimize

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win by Jocko Willink

I cannot recommend this book enough. This former Navy SEAL officer with eight years of active duty was awarded both a silver and bronze star during his numerous deployments, most notably during the Iraqi insurgency in the early 2000s, brings all his experience together in this “self-help” guide. The number one take away from this book: Even if it is not you’re fault, you’re responsible. This principle applies to everything from combat, the work place and life in general. I especially enjoyed the audio version, which is read by the author himself. If you want more from Jocko, check out the Jocko Podcast where he and his co-host Echo cover the military, business, fitness and everything in between.

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The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win by Jocko Willink

A follow up work to Extreme Ownership, Willink takes the principles outlined in his previous work and applies them to leadership on the battlefield and in the boardroom, backed by the author’s decades of the experience in the SEALS and in corporate consultation. The authors go over the conflicting forces that can test teams, when to lead and when to follow, always with an eye towards victory without ego getting in the way. These principles can then be executed using the strategies and techniques in the other book the author just recently released, Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual.

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

You’re not special, everything is falling apart, life is suffering and you’re going to die someday. And that’s ok.

This best seller is one of the best “self-help” books on the market. Dropping the force positivity of others in the genre, Manson outlines the key stumbling blocks to living a worthwhile life on your terms. Even if you’re not usually a fan of self help books, I highly recommend checking this out.

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Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

The ability to communicate is a prized, but hard to master skill. This is especially hard with people we do not know very well. If you’re in any job that deals with the pubic, you are talking to strangers every day. Opening with the case of Sandra Bland and the escalation from traffic stop to her eventual suicide, Gladwell then outlines all the ways communication between people who don’t know each other, even when both parties are being truthful, can fail. Pulling from many disciplines to produce this well researched and thoughtful work, it will make readers think twice when trying to get ideas across to others. Gladwell also reads the audiobook version and has his own podcast, Revisionist History.

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The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

Building good, lifelong habits is the key to success, at least according to the author. It starts off kind of slow and the narrator sounds suspiciously like an infomercial host, but it makes the information contained within no less useful.

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