Our video streaming service, Kanopy, has a major update scheduled for next week. On Wednesday, November 1, Kanopy will transition from using play credits to implementing a new ticket system.

Instead of receiving 10 play credits per month, you will now receive 30 tickets each month. After the update is in place, each title will be assigned a ticket value, and a viewing window will be displayed, enabling you to see how many tickets are required to watch a video and for how long you can stream it. Please note that The Great Courses, which were previously excluded from play credits, are now included in the new ticket system.

Updates to Kanopy Video Streaming

Updates to Kanopy Video Streaming

These changes are designed to give you greater clarity and control when using your monthly viewing allowance. Once the change is active, you will see a pop-up on the Kanopy website and within the app explaining the new ticket system.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.