Universal Class is truly a hidden gem among all of our wonderful Fountaindale eResources. There are hundreds of free courses you can start right now and walk away from with an abundance of knowledge. Not to mention course credits!

I have tried out quite a few classes over my year and a half at Fountaindale, but one of my most recent selections was Writing Women’s Fiction. In college, I had taken a few Women’s Lit classes and really enjoyed them. So, as soon as I saw the opportunity to learn even more about a genre that has a lot of influence in my life, I jumped at the chance.

Universal Class: Writing Women’s Fiction

Writing Women’s Fiction consists of 16 lessons, with two assignments per lesson, as well as 13 quizzes and three exams along the way. This might sound a little overwhelming, but the pacing of the course and the information provided makes this seem like a breeze. It’s easy to keep up and even easier to complete.

There are articles, videos and worksheets in nearly every lesson to help further your understanding. Not to mention the class instructor will provide you with feedback for each assignment submission. All of the feedback I’ve gotten has really helped improve my writing.

Universal Class courses also include forums and discussion pages where students can connect and share information. Don’t worry, this portion is not mandatory, but is definitely helpful for those who want the real in-class experience.

My favorite part of this course was the fact that I could go back and look at my past assignments. This is the case with all Universal Class courses, but it was especially important to me while working on my writing. I could see how much progress I’ve made and even check out some of my writing submissions that I forgot about.

Universal Class: Writing Women’s FictionBut the greatest benefit of Universal Class, in my opinion, is the freedom to work at your own pace. Want to complete 10 assignments in a row and then take a break for a few weeks? Go for it! Want to take it one lesson at a time each week or every other week? The choice is yours! The course will be ready and waiting for you whenever you return. And don’t forget the credit! No matter how long it takes you to complete, the credit amount for your completed course will be added to your account.

So what are you waiting for? Get started on your own free schooling today! Happy learning!