Tween DIY: Summer Collage Journal

When I was growing up (many years ago), there was no cable or internet. Instead of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, we expressed ourselves through the written word and kept our memories in journals, photo albums and scrapbooks. During this past year, many have come to realize the importance of stepping away from the computer and social media. Taking a break to clear our thoughts and relieve the stress of the constant depressing news is important for our mental health and well-being. 

I thought it would be a great opportunity for young teens and tweens to express themselves through a collage journal. A collage journal is basically combining a journal with a scrapbook. When I was in school, we would be assigned projects similar to this where we would have to write something and include either drawings or pictures from magazines or newspapers. Today there are so many different mediums out there you could include, such as fabrics, ribbons and stickers. You can use anything that inspires you, and be sure to include your thoughts, dreams and favorite sayings. You get the idea.

Tween DIY: Summer Collage Journal

A fun thing for my children, and me, is to look back at some of the journals I have written over time. A favorite one of mine is one that is full of my very own poetry. The assignment was to find pictures in magazines that I liked. I chose to cut up a couple of my parents’ National Geographic magazines (I suggest you ask before cutting up anything). Then, we were to write poetry that was inspired by the photo. It was a difficult project, but it was also so rewarding. And as you can tell, I treasure that journal to this day. Plus, I found out that I could indeed write poetry!

That’s why I have put together some Tween DIY Summer Collage Journal kits for your tweens get started in journaling. Children in grades 3–5 can register to pick up a kit at the Children’s Services Desk. Kits will be available starting June 1st, while supplies last.