TV Recommendation: The Repair Shop

General Info

Number of Seasons: 2

Where to watch: Netflix only

Brief Synopsis: Expert artisans restore timeworn family heirlooms with touching sentimental value while also uncovering their uniquely rich histories.

Our Commentary

At first glance, you may be thinking The Repair Shop would be boring. Watching people fix antiques? Snore. Nope! This isn’t your grandparents’ Antiques Roadshow, which is excellent for falling asleep, but not so much for watching. This is a show you actually want to stay awake for.

I never thought I would enjoy a show about repairing things, but here we are. Each episode features three different items that the Repair Shop team fixes up. You get to learn a little about their history from the owners and watch them get a breath of new life by the end of the episode.

Were you missing the delightfully British wholesomeness of The Great British Baking Show? Well, miss no more, because that same fuzzy feeling can be found in the Repair Shop. Grab a cup of tea and your favorite cozy blanket. Wrap yourself up and unwind with the Repair Shop team as they work their magic on antiques and your soul.