Do you like making and playing with ooey-gooey slime? Do you want to learn more about slime, including some really cool recipes for slime? Then keep reading!

Tuesday Ooze-day: Bubbling Swamp SlimeBubbling Swamp Slime is another recipe from The Slime Book. The most unusual ingredient this slime calls for is xanthan gum. I borrowed some from my mom, who keeps it in the house to make gluten-free recipes for a family member. You will make this slime in two parts.


In a bowl, combine:

    • 2 cups white vinegar
    • 1-1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum
    • Green food color or a mix of other colors to make a murky green color

First, stir the ingredients together. I found it helpful to use a wire whisk to spread the xanthan gum evenly throughout the vinegar. It’s OK if the mixture is a little lumpy, though. I couldn’t find the food coloring, so I used green coloring from our soap making supplies; after all, this is a non-edible recipe. I ended up with a pale green color.

Put this mixture in the refrigerator for a few hours until it has thickened. If you have to leave it for longer, that’s all right, too.

Tuesday Ooze-day: Bubbling Swamp SlimePART TWO

Once the mixture has thickened, you’re ready for part two!

Place a thick layer of baking soda in the bottom of a clean bowl (in the photo here, I just put baking soda in the sink because I didn’t have another large bowl).

Cover the baking soda with your slimy mixture. It should bubble as the vinegar and baking soda react with each other, LIKE THIS!