Travel Tales and Snapshots

Many people cite travel at the top of their to-do lists. This winter, join our learning circles on travel writing and travel photography to discover how to capture your love of traveling in your writing and photos. Limited slots are available for both of these programs, so register today.

Travel Tales and Snapshots

Travel Photography Learning Circle
Thursdays, January 9–February 27, 6:30 p.m.

The Travel Photography Learning Circle focuses on how to capture scenes from around the world and share them using both traditional and digital techniques.


Travel Tales and Snapshots

Travel Writing Learning Circle
Mondays, January 13–March 2, 6:30 p.m.

The Travel Writing Learning Circle helps you discover how to develop the skills of a travel writer and translate what you experience into publishable articles and books or just to share with family and friends.


Can’t wait for these classes to begin? Check out these book resources:

What is a Learning Circle?

Studies show that people learn best when they share and connect with others. Our Learning Circles @ FPLD concept helps you study a topic of interest in-depth with other people from your community. Combining self-paced online learning tools with in-person discussions moderated by library staff, our Learning Circles bring neighbors together to learn with and from one another. Each multi-week Learning Circle focuses on a single topic. The group takes an online course together and then gathers regularly to discuss what they’ve learned and to help one another. Each Learning Circle is limited to 8 patrons who will commit to the full eight weeks.