We miss being able to see all of your faces day to day. For many of us, there has been one silver lining in common; working from home means working with pets! To celebrate National Pet Month and our love of animals, we would love to introduce you to our furry, feathered and scaly coworkers, so they can brighten your day, too!

The Pets of Fountaindale


Hi, I’m Milo. My dad is John, who spends time keeping people safe all around the library. I prefer to spend my time napping, staring at birds from various windows and meowing loudly for little-to-no reason. I pretend to be tough, but I’m actually a literal scaredy-cat.

The Pets of Fountaindale


I devour sunflower seeds and run on my wheel at night like Usain Bolt and keep my human insane (hey, I do my part.) I love to roam around the house in my hamster ball. My back flips give my human laughing riots. I am cute and photogenic, as you can see in my picture, and my human, Bini, can’t baby me enough!

The Pets of Fountaindale


Hello, My name is Ichabod Crane, Icky for short. My mom, Christine, dad and brother thought they were getting a 3-year-old cat when they adopted me in 2018, but I was only 4 months old! They were very surprised when they found out! I love to play with my toy mousy friends; if you throw them at me, I will jump and catch them in the air. Mom says I was a dog in another life as I love people food. There is nothing I won’t eat; I sometimes steal it out of someone’s hand or plate!

The Pets of Fountaindale


I’m Scraps. My person, Jay, found me outside one day and gave me blankets to sleep on. I like to play with anything that rolls on the floor, except the vacuum cleaner, which is a Satan.

The Pets of Fountaindale


In my house, there are several cats and two dogs, all competing with each other for attention. I am Roy’s little girl, Pumpkin. We are a lot alike, and I don’t always feel comfortable in large groups. I enjoy alone time with my human friends (Roy and his wife). I don’t always get the spotlight I deserve, so I am glad Roy chose to introduce me to the Fountaindale family.

The Pets of Fountaindale


Hey there everyone! My name is Pippin, and I am a purebred Beagle. Besides food, my favorite thing is cuddles. If you cannot find me, I am probably asleep, or looking for food. My human’s name is Jenna.

The Pets of Fountaindale

The Pets of Fountaindale

Kairi & Tux

Hi there! We are Ashe’s kitties!

I’m Kairi. I’m beautiful and I know it. I love sleeping in high places and on the couch with Ashe. Every night I have to put my human to bed before I fall asleep.

I’m Tux, and I’m a big sleepy boy. I love napping on the couch, in my favorite Amazon box and my cat tree.

The Pets of Fountaindale

Frisbee & Gizmo

My name is Frisbee. My human’s name is Jen, and she works in Children’s Services. I absolutely love having her home every day, especially when she sits on the couch to do her work because there is nothing I love more than snuggling. Except sometimes, I want to get really close, and then I have to push her laptop out of the way so I can wiggle my way between the arm rest and her legs.

And I’m Gizmo. I really couldn’t care less that my humans are home all the time. Although, sometimes Jen does her work at her craft desk, and when she does, she opens the blinds, and I absolutely love looking out that window. I rarely get to see what is out that window. I don’t care if she’s trying to do work. Sometimes I even have to walk across her laptop so I can get the perfect view.

The Pets of Fountaindale

The Pets of Fountaindale

Rudy Pupper & Jack

My name is Rudy Pupper, but my daycare friends call me Mr. Blue Eyes. My person’s name is Allyse. My hobbies include playing on playground equipment and doggie agility. I spend most of my days making sure my cat, Jack, is following the house rules.

Unlike me, Jack is very bad about staying inside when a door is open, getting on the counters, eating people food (this is especially horrifying…who eats other people’s food?! Not me!) and greeting someone before they’re all the way in the house. Jack is happy our people are home all the time right now, but I keep forgetting and then I get happy when I remember again!

The Pets of Fountaindale


I’m Maddy, and my human’s say I’m the cutest dog in the world! I became a member of the Didier family 14 years ago when her sister was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that would require multiple surgeries over her lifetime. Since then, I have been her sister’s therapy dog (and a beloved addition to our family) through lots of difficult times and have brought joy to my family every day! Well, minus the barking-whenever-there’s-a-squirrel madness that sometimes occurs while I’m lounging in my daily pose, peering out the front window. Those squirrels have my number and endlessly tease me! My humans still call me Puppy even though I’m in the twilight of my canine life. I am a West Highland Terrier and all who know me can attest to my calm and loving demeanor. I greet every visitor with a sniff and then a gentle love nip on the hand that pets me. I am so loved!

The Pets of Fountaindale


My name is Nobu, which means trust. I’m a Tamaskan mix that you can trust to leap, run and chow down. Now that my two favorite humans are at home, I’m even happier than ever! When it’s playtime, I love catching tennis balls as well as playing tug of war with a surprisingly durable tiger toy. My human’s name is Tony.

The Pets of Fountaindale

The Pets of Fountaindale

The Pets of Fountaindale

Mr.Darcy, Penny & Sassafras

Hi, everyone! We are Ms. Randi and her sister’s three cats!

I’m Mr. Darcy and I’m Ms.Randi’s old man. I’m 12 years old. I love behind-the-ear scratches and laying next to her whenever she is working, reading or sleeping. I am also not afraid to tell you that it’s time to eat.

I’m Penny, and I was adopted when I was 6 months old. I love attention, being petted and groomed and I’m not afraid to tell you how I feel. I talk a lot.

I’m Sassafras, and I’m the youngest addition to the family, but I’m in charge. I can open doors, I like to sleep in bathroom sinks and I chirp rather than meow.

Written by and posted on behalf of Kelsey Schaeflein, Adult & Teen Services Specialist.