Teen Finals Week: May 21–24, 2018

Finals can be stressful, but we’re here to help you get through it. Teens in grades 6–12, stop by the Vortex all week long for a little fun to help you get through the stress of finals week. Drop in; no registration required.

Ice Cream Sundae Bar
Monday, May 21, 4–5 p.m.
Start finals week with some sugar therapy. Just don’t get any hot fudge on your notes!

Zen Coloring
Tuesday, May 22, 2–8 p.m.
Relax and get your brain in the game with some meditative coloring!

Make Your Own Play Dough
Wednesday, May 23, 4–5 p.m.
Feeling a little freaked out? Need something to smoosh? Make your own scented play dough and knead your frustration away.

LOL Movie Marathon
Thursday, May 24, 2–8 p.m.
You made it! Sit back and catch a few comedies on us. Laughter is the best medicine!