Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” -Robert Frost

A lot of us have had a lot of free time on our hands this April, and it is also National Poetry Month. I have not been much of a poetry reader until this past year, but I feel like I’ve gained a lot from my time with the genre. It’s during the dark times in life that a good work of poetry can lift you up. It shifts your perspective in a way few other art forms can manage. You don’t have to read everything in one sitting, but what I have found with poetry is that you can get a lot out of a couple minutes of reading. Here are a few works that I think anyone can pick up and enjoy when starting their journey into one of the most beloved forms of writing.

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The Road Not Taken, and Other Poems by Robert Frost

Thanks to a well-loved English teacher, this was one of the first poems I ever read in more than passing detail. Frost’s prose is simple in structure and language but deeply moving. Many of his works concern the small things in life and quiet rural living. Slow down and take your time with this author.

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Stay in, Break into Poetry

Empty Bottles Full of Stories by r.h. Sin

Primarily publishing on Instagram, r.h. Sin is a newer breed of poet who pushes what you might expect from the genre. It’s not what you traditionally think of when you think of poetry, but these short musing are easy to get into and have surprising depth.

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Stay in, Break into Poetry

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

This slim volume tells the story of a prophet on the eve of his voyage home, not before imparting his wisdom on the city that kept him for 12 long years. The work is divided into 28 musings covering the span of life and death, joy and sorrow, and everything in between. No written work has touched me quite like this has in some time.

While we do have it in print and on CD, can you read it online through Project Gutenberg.

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Stay in, Break into Poetry

The Classics

We offer a large collection of works that have stood the test of time. These will open you up to so many different styles from across the world and history. Some starting points include: Beowulf, Poems by Emily Dickenson, Metamorphosis and The Rubaiyat.

All of these and more can be found on the World Ebook Library, which can be accessed directly by searching the catalog. You can browse World Book’s collection directly from the link above or from our eResources page. Please note, using World Book requires creating an account.

Online Poetry Collections

Ultimately, I think the best way to get into poetry is to follow your interest. Explore as many authors as you can, and develop your own taste. I especially recommend anthologies as they give you a wide berth of authors to sample. For more info on National Poetry Month, visit Poets.org.

Happy Reading!