Spring is for Writers (March 2019)

Writers, rejoice! If you have a story you want to share with the world, Studio 300 can help you do it! Our talented staff is here to help guide you on your writing journey as well as give you a platform (or three) to share your work. Take a look at what we have going on this spring.

The Nemo Journal, Volume 2
Submissions due by March 31, 2019
The Nameless Writer’s Group publishes an annual print and online literary journal for the Fountaindale Public Library community to include original creative works written by our patrons. We are accepting short fiction stories (5,000-words max.), poetry and nonfiction (such as journalism, essays and memoirs) from our patrons ages 14 and up. Submit your work today, and be sure to read Volume 1!

Camp NaNoWriMo
This April, complete a writing project in a month. This “writer’s retreat” is a lighter spin on the fall National Novel Writing Month contest. Want to learn more? Join us on Thursday, March 28 at 6 p.m. to learn about the event, commit to your writing project, meet other writers, get motivated and celebrate when you finish and win.

Self Publishing with SELF-e
Upload your independently or self-published eBooks to SELF-e. Your book will appear alongside hundreds of local and statewide authors in the Indie Illinois collection. Your book could be chosen for review by Library Journal and made available to libraries across the country!

COMING SOON: Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project 2019
The 5th annual Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project contest opens in mid-April. Submit your self-published adult and young adult fiction for consideration. Stay tuned for details.

Not Ready to Publish?

If you’re currently working on your writing, but you’re finished piece isn’t quite ready, be sure to check out our new Fiction Writing Learning Circle or Nameless Writers Group to connect with other authors to share ideas, get motivated and celebrate your successes. We also have a curated selection of digital and print resources to help you write, edit and publish your work.

Niche Writing Events

Screenwriting Basics
Tuesday, March 12, 7 p.m.
Discover tips for better visual storytelling, plotting, character development, dialogue, and more. Includes unique formatting guidelines for scripts. Register now.

Scrivener Power Tips
Tuesday, April 30, 6:30 p.m.
Learn advanced techniques for getting the most from this powerful and flexible writing software including using the compile feature to output beautiful eBook and print-ready interiors. Registration opens April 9.

Happy writing!