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Creativebug has thousands of award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. Find projects for every occasion, nurture your creative soul by learning new skills and practice your craft every day.


Get an insider’s perspective—including photos, interviews and recipes—of the history, customs, daily life and culture of people from around the world.

EBSCO eBooks: Grades 6–8 Collection

Enjoy thousands of juvenile fiction and nonfiction eBooks across all subject areas that support a quality learning experience for students in sixth through eighth grade.

EBSCO eBooks: Grades 9–12 Collection

Enjoy a robust collection of popular eBooks, classic literary works, important historical documents and general reference materials for students, educators and administrators.

Ethnic Diversity Source

Get full-text access to peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, eBooks, biographies and primary source documents covering the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America.

Fiero Code

Learn computer programming skills through a series of quick tutorials and gamified projects. Choose from a variety of missions as you learn to build websites, video games, phone apps, animations and more. For ages 8 and older.

Freegal Music+

Browse, download and stream over 15 million songs and 40,000 music videos, including current hits and Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists.

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