The pandemic made it difficult for me to focus on reading back in 2020 and for much of 2021. The seemingly endless bad news cycles, my low attention span and general lack of interest in reading (gasp!) made it hard for me to want to pick up the latest bestseller. I feel like I’ve finally started to get back to my normal reading habits over the past few months. So I’ve put together a few tips if you feel like you’ve had the same experience and want to read more.

Tip One: Start Small

Start with short stories or magazines. We have a great selection of short stories to help you get started. They have the benefit of needing a shorter attention span (a big plus for me), and you can read them in small chunks, like before bedtime. Magazines are also great to read when you have less time. What hobbies are you into? We probably have a magazine (in English and in Spanish) for you. Print magazines are available on the 2nd floor, and eMagazines can be downloaded through Libby.

How to Get Over a Reading Slump

“Clap When You Land” by Elizabeth Acevedo

How to Get Over a Reading Slump

“For Every One” by Jason Reynolds

Tip Two: Let’s Go Digital

Change the format. If you don’t normally read eBooks, you might want to give them a try. Instead of doom-scrolling on your phone (again, me), you can read a few pages while waiting in line at a store. Alternatively, try listening to an eAudiobook. You can listen while commuting, doing chores or even sitting in your favorite chair. I found that I really enjoyed listening to poetry and novels-in-verse, particularly by Elizabeth Acevedo and Jason Reynolds. We have several options for listening:

Tip Three: Revisiting Favorites

Try rereading an old favorite. Are you a fan of Jane Austen? Angie Thomas? Rereading beloved stories without the stress of closely following the plot might be more relaxing for you. Or try rereading a childhood favorite–you may find comfort in it.

Tip Four: Find Community

Join a book club! We have monthly book clubs you can join to get your reading juices flowing. Maybe social support with a goal is just what you need. We’ll even pick the books out for you.

Tip Five: Read-a-likes

Use our eResource, Novelist, to find new titles. It’s designed to help you find books based on what you already like or find new genres to try. Simply enter a title or author you’ve enjoyed, and Novelist will come up with a list for you.

Tip Six: Just Ask Us

Ask a Librarian. We’re always happy to help patrons find their next favorite read. Just ask! Also, check out our Recommendations for more ideas.

Remember that it’s ok to give up on a book. Not every book is for every reader. The great thing about reading is that it will always be there for you when you’re ready to get back to it.