Winter has arrived, and no part of me is happy about it. The winter can be a sad time of the year for many of us. The sun is nowhere to be found, and then just when you think that you have spotted the first signs of spring, you get 14 inches of snow the next day.

To be fair, my sadness knows no bounds and it does not have access to a calendar. I have been known to be sad year-round, but there is no doubt that wintertime is the worst of them all.

If you too are feeling those wintertime sad feelings, then apply these tips to help you. You could also just move to Florida, but then you’d have a whole set of different problems that would have nothing to do with snow.

How to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy Steps1. Laugh a Little

Laughter is the best medicine, or so they say. I also say that a really large amount of money, chicken strips and an endless supply of puppies are also the best medicine—but that was too long to fit on a T-shirt.

I love to watch comedy specials on Netflix and YouTube. Sometimes, if I’m all by myself, I feel silly laughing out loud so I just laugh internally instead.

If you want to give laughing a go but don’t have Netflix, check out one of our new Roku Ultras that come pre-loaded with Netflix, Disney+, HBO Now and more!

How to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy Steps2. Meditate

Being forced to sit still for an hour and not being allowed to take a nap during that time sounds like pure torture and also physically impossible. It turns out, though, you don’t actually have to meditate for an hour right off the bat. You can start with just 10 minutes a day.

I personally use an app on my phone called Headspace. The guided meditations available on this app are really helpful, even though it’s essentially just the disembodied voice of a nice British man that talks to me and teaches me to believe in myself. I don’t want to let him down, so I keep coming back for more.

How to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy StepsHow to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy Steps3. Read a Book

Yeah, I’m a librarian telling you to read. Deal with it. If you do decide to read a book, though, just make sure that the ending isn’t too sad since you’re already feeling blue.

I will never recover from Marley & Me. That is not a wintertime book. Instead, try reading The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish or I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats by Francesco Marciuliano.

4. Attend a Library Program

How to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy Steps

This will get you out of the house, give you the chance to meet new people and possibly even learn a new skill. (It might also make me look really good if you say that I told you to go.)

Visit our events calendar to find information about all of our programs and events.

P.S. Sometimes there is also food involved. You’re welcome.

How to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy Steps5. Clean/Re-Do Your Living Space

I completely redo my entire apartment at 4 a.m. every other Saturday. I just can’t control myself. My downstairs neighbor loves me. It has occurred to me that I might be rearranging my apartment in an attempt to feel like I’m organizing and rearranging my own mind. Please don’t judge me.

A healthy refresh of your space might be exactly what you need this winter. Buy a rug. Heck, buy two rugs. If you’re going to be stuck inside all winter, your space might as well be cute and carpeted.

You can actually complete tips four and five by attending our upcoming event, Tidy Up Home & Life, based on the KonMari method. If you can’t make this event, check out her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

How to Beat the Winter Blues in Six Easy Steps6. Drink Water

I’m not sure if this is science, but your body is made up of a whole lot of water so drinking more of it is probably a good idea. Plus, everything in winter is dry and dead, so your body probably is too and would appreciate a little bit of water.