If you received a U.S. Census Bureau COVID-19 Household Pulse Survey (sent from covid.survey@census.gov) in your e-mail, do not delete it. This is not a scam.

What’s going on?

The U.S. Census Bureau is sending Household Pulse Surveys to residents across the country to measure experiences during the coronavirus pandemic. This is in collaboration with multiple other federal agencies. The survey is available in English and Spanish. If you are unsure about completing the Household Pulse Survey, visit the survey information page on the U.S. Census Bureau website. You can also read and review the full list of survey questions ahead of time.

Get Counted in the US Census Department’s COVID-19 Household Pulse Survey

As we said, this is not a scam. The U.S. Census Bureau chose your address at random (not you personally) to participate in this survey. They will email you three times before a U.S. Census Bureau field representative will be sent to collect the survey in person. Keep in mind that a limited number of addresses from across the country were selected scientifically to represent the whole population. This means your survey response cannot be replaced or substituted by another house, so your participation is both powerful and important.

Why is this important?

This survey will help measure the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on important topics like:

  • Employment Status
  • Food Security
  • Housing Security
  • Physical and Mental Well-being

This survey is a cooperative effort across many government agencies intended to provide critical, up-to-date information about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the U.S. population. This survey is voluntary, but by completing this 20-minute survey, you will help federal, state and local agencies identify critical coronavirus-related issues in our community.

You can take a look at the real-time data generated through the Household Pulse Survey by visiting the U.S. Census Bureau website. The interactive tools section is easy to use and provides excellent visual data.

Get Counted in the US Census Department’s COVID-19 Household Pulse Survey

For more information and to see the list of agencies using the data collected from the survey, visit census.gov.