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Small Engine Repair Source

Get detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines, from routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service) to extensive repairs (engine and transmission disassembly). Access more than 25 years of engine models and the full collection of Clymer repair manuals, with new and updated content added regularly.

TumbleBook Library

Enjoy a large selection of English, Spanish and French eBooks and games for children and tweens.


Access the most comprehensive collection of math stories available anywhere, all in the world famous TumbleBook format which combines animation, narration and sound to create a compelling and enticing story for students of all ages.

Universal Class

Choose from hundreds of instructor-led online courses ranging from professional development to technology skills and personal enrichment.

US Newsstream

Access full-text articles from more than 1,300 newspapers, news websites and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world. Major newspapers include the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, The Guardian and many other national and regional titles.


Access the most accurate and independently created research information available to help you effectively meet their financial objectives.

Wall Street Journal

Access comprehensive coverage dating back to 1984 from the world’s leading financial newspaper.

World Book Advanced

Discover this powerful reference tool that includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases, online reference texts, primary sources, website links, articles, special reports and more.

World Book Discover

Discover offers foundational content on a variety of topics in a format that is perfect for differentiation. Our engaging reference resources are ideal for students reading below grade level because of language or learning difficulties, with content and tools specifically developed for these students.

World Book Early World of Learning

Preschoolers and children in early elementary grades will develop reading fluency and phonemic awareness by reading, playing, watching, printing and doing.

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