Looking for Black stories by Black authors? Look no further than our “NEW” shelves on the 3rd floor. We have an incredible selection of brand-new books, spanning all genres, that were just released in 2022. Here are just a few to consider:

Brand-New Books by Black Authors

Saga Boy: My Life of Blackness and Becoming by Antonio Michael Downing

Growing up as a willful boy in a tiny village in the tropical forests of Trinidad, Downing was steeped in the legacies of his scattered family, the vibrant culture of the island, and the weight of its colonial history. Following his grandmother’s death, he was sent to live with his devoutly evangelical Aunt Joan in rural Canada, where they are the only Black family in a starkly devoid landscape. Isolated and longing for home, Downing began a decades-long journey to transform himself through music and performance. Here he tells of his journey of overcoming, belonging, and becoming one’s own self.

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Brand-New Books by Black Authors

Red Lip Theology by Candice Marie Benbow

A moving essay collection promoting freedom, self-love and divine wholeness for Black women and opening new levels of understanding and ideological transformation for non-Black women and allies-from the “bona fide church girl” and educator who created the Lemonade Syllabus. Blurring the boundaries of righteous and irreverent, Red Lip Theology invites us to discover freedom in a progressive Christian faith that incorporates activism, feminism and radical authenticity.

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Brand-New Books by Black Authors

The Intangible by C.J. Washington

Amanda Jackson has always longed to be a mother. The early weeks of her first pregnancy are a mixture of joy, anticipation, and uncertainty as she and her husband prepare for the journey ahead. Then comes a devastating loss. Even though her doctors tell her otherwise, Amanda believes she’s still pregnant. Betrayed by her mind and body and her marriage strained, Amanda turns to neuroscientist Patrick Davis for answers. As Patrick spirals ever deeper into Amanda’s illness, his own homelife crumbles as his wife, Marissa, struggles to cope with her own loss. As the two couples confront the fraught intersection of science, death and human emotion, they venture into the darkest corners of each other’s lives. What they find there could change them forever.

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Brand-New Books by Black Authors

Goliath by Tochi Onyebuchi

In the 2050s, Earth has begun to empty. Those with the means and the privilege have departed the great cities of the United States for the more comfortable confines of space colonies. Those left behind salvage what they can from the collapsing infrastructure. As they eke out an existence, their neighborhoods are being cannibalized. Brick by brick, their houses are sent to the colonies, what was once a home is now a quaint reminder for the colonists of the world that they wrecked

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Brand-New Books by Black Authors

None but the Righteous by Chantal James

In seventeenth-century Peru, St. Martin de Porres was torn from his body after death. His bones were pillaged as relics, and his spirit was said to inhabit those bones. Four centuries later, amid the havoc of Hurricane Katrina, 19-year-old Ham escapes New Orleans with his only valued possession: a pendant handed down from his foster mother, Miss Pearl. There’s something about the pendant that has always gripped him, and the curiosity of it has grown into a kind of comfort. When Ham finally embarks on a fraught journey back home, he seeks the answer to a question he cannot face: Is Miss Pearl still alive? Catching sight of a freedom he’s never known, he must reclaim his body and mind from the spirit who watches over him, guides him, and seizes possession of him.

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Brand-New Books by Black Authors

D’Vaughn & Kris Plan a Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins

To elevate her brand, a closeted social media influencer goes on a reality TV show where she must convince her family and friends she’s getting married to the love of her life in six weeks.

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