Studio 300’s display wall is in full bloom for March!

I have been anticipating spring since New Years’, and with the weather warming up, I am super excited to try something new in my garden. I began gardening last March after playing hours of Animal Crossing inspired me to dig up some actual dirt. I love the intersection of technology and nature! Using video games to inspire my gardening practice is one example. This year I wanted to take that love and curiosity a step further. So I checked what fun projects were waiting in Studio 300’s Maker Lab that could take my gardening game to the next level.

Gardening can intimidate a beginner. But contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a big backyard or a bunch of fancy tools to get started. All you need is a pot, some soil, seeds, sun and water.

For Studio 300’s display wall, I wanted the posters and projects to help you make your gardening projects fun and easy. I included QR codes that link to the featured maker projects and a section promoting free resources, like the Illinois Extension service. For anyone who isn’t aware, state colleges offer extension programs to the local community. Classes and resources can revolve around gardening, cooking, budgeting and other needs. The Illinois Extension gardening course is special because it offers specific information about what you can grow in our climate. It also provides things like plant fact sheets, virtual webinars and gardening newsletters free to the public.

Here are some of my favorite projects you can try yourself!

Plant Markers

Boost Your Gardening Game in Studio 300!

Use the CNC router or 3D printer to create different styles of plant markers.

Seedling Starter

Boost Your Gardening Game in Studio 300!

This 3D printed seedling starter is a great, reusable alternative to disposable pots.

Mini Tools

Boost Your Gardening Game in Studio 300!

Print these mini gardening tools to maintain a desktop zen garden.

Come down to the Studio in March to see these projects and more! Learn more about the Illinois Extension to get started with gardening tips.