Book Recommendation: “Deposing Nathan” by Zack Smedley

Book Information

Genre: Realistic Fiction / Drama

First Released: 2019

Part of a Series?: Nope. It is a standalone novel. 

Synopsis: “When Nate meets Cam during his junior year in high school, the relationship makes Nate question his faith and the family rules he has always obeyed and finally leads to physical violence between the two boys.”

Where can I find it in the library? This will be on the second floor of the library in the Vortex.

Call Number: YA F SMEDLEY


When I first picked up Deposing Nathan, I at first thought it was about bullying! I thought deposing, as in “deposing a king.” However, I was completely wrong.

This novel is about friendship, homophobia, parental standards, pushing personal limits and identity. All of this comes out in a criminal deposition by Nathan. (A deposition is the process of giving sworn evidence. In this case, Nathan is being interviewed by a detective with his family and lawyer present. Here’s where that title comes in again!)

By the quick synopsis, you may be thinking this is a love story. If that’s what you’re looking for, turn away now. Because it’s not. There’s no love here, only heartbreak.  

All we know, is that Nathan was stabbed by his best friend, Cam. Why? We don’t know. It’s up to us to find out why. All we can do, is hope that Nathan tells the truth. 

If you like books that are emotionally intense and blur the line between best friends and lovers, this one’s for you.