We all miss helping our patrons create and share their stories through the digital media and maker technology available in Studio 300. Although the library’s building is closed, we’ve been busy supporting the Library from Home initiatives and training to improve our skills so we may better serve you once we do re-open. Here’s an update on what the Studio 300 staff have been working on during the emergency closing.


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeStaying at home hasn’t slowed Anna from pursuing many creative pursuits. She’s focused on trying ideas for fresh adult and teen programs and classes, with DIY Candle Making being a current favorite. Since Anna owns a personal Silhouette machine, she’s explored patterns and projects to add to the Studio 300 Maker Lab when we return. If you have a machine at home, she suggests this project available on Creativebug. If you’re looking for a simple craft you can make from items from around your house, try this DIY Dream Catcher also on Creativebug. Having extra time has also allowed Anna to focus on her programming skills, so she can teach more coding classes in the future. For this, she consults her old textbooks, tests problems and uses two Hoonuit* tutorials: jQuery & JavaScript Basics Training. Anna also recommends the Mimo phone app that challenges users to an hour of coding practice each day. Next up, she’ll create how-to videos featuring simple projects you can do from home.


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeAdriana has been sharpening her instruction skills by teaching photography to her daughter, answering questions and practicing scenarios—every teacher can attest how much they learn by leading others. Together, they’ve ventured outdoors to snap a few pictures. Adriana will be using this experience to plan future photography programs for our patrons. Also, she’s busy creating Photoshop training that we plan to make available in the future. On a more tech note, Adriana has been researching emerging computing systems and how they are being geared towards media creation through 2-in-1 architecture and AMD processors. She’s also been busy writing blog posts, including partnering with Randi from our Teen Services Department to support Korean language learning (via Mango), music and dramas. And as Assistant Manager, she’s been busy coordinating staff and other details required to manage Studio Services activities from home. She highly recommends these online resources: Universal Class Meditation 101: Learn How to Meditate and Universal Class Yoga 101 for self-care during these difficult times.

A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at Home

A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at Home

A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at Home


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomePatrick focuses much of his time at home training via webinars on a variety of library, digital media and 3D modeling and printing topics. He also spends his time researching educational, activity and STEM-based resources that our patrons can access from home, including TinkerCad and Creative Bug. Before the library’s temporary closing, Patrick was at work developing a Storycorps-based program at FPLD. While the program may be delayed, he will be publishing a blog soon on how patrons can start recording and sharing their loved ones’ and friends’ life stories today. In between his research, Patrick is often found in his recording studio, experimenting with audio recording techniques and honing his music mixing skills. He’s eager to return to Studio 300 and share his knowledge and ideas with our patrons. During his solo walks in one of the nearby forest preserves he’s started dabbling in smartphone nature photography. Later, he often kicks back and watches a movie on Kanopy, one of Fountaindale Library’s eResources for streaming movies. The A24 productions are some of his favorites. He has also begun to improve his cooking via the Great Courses cooking classes.


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeNikki continues to improve her photo and video editing software skills. To have real content to work with, she’s challenged herself to take photos, record videos and then edit them. These projects have given her new ideas for programs she lead for patrons in the future. Two favorite online courses are Hoonuit* Premiere Pro Creative Cloud 2018 Essentials and Hoonuit* After Effects Creative Cloud 2018 Essentials. Like many of us, staying home has given Nikki plenty of time to explore all the great digital resources available to Fountaindale patrons. She’s thrilled to have access to so much free training that will enable her to provide better assistance to the library community. Watch for her blog post about home photography lighting tips, too.


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeJustin has been working on improving his music production skills and exploring different options for sharing finished work. Along with Fountaindale’s Bolingbrook Project Music, he’s found sites such as Envato Market and Fiverr, which allows multimedia freelancers to showcase and monetize their work and services. He plans to share his findings in new classes at Studio 300. Since returning from Brazil, Justin has continued to use Fountaindale’s Mango Languages online resource to further his comprehension of the Portuguese Language. He also downloaded an eAudiobook, Brazilian Portuguese On The Go, with the OverDrive app. For fun, he’s binge-watched the “Breaking Bad” series, available on Netflix. (This popular streaming service is included on the Roku media player for those patrons who checked one out before the closure.)


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeMonica is an artist and comic book fan, and the library’s large collection of digital comics on the Hoopla app has been keeping her busy! Her current favorite is Harleen by Stejpan Sejic. She also highly recommends the Locke & Key graphic novels by Joe Hill, especially if you’re a fan of the new Netflix show. These explorations are sure to bring exciting new programs to the Fountaindale patron community. Our new resource, Creativebug, also provides a wide-variety of creative project ideas including these top suggestions: Gratitude Art Journal and Altered Book Daily Challenge.


A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeMcKayla has been brushing up on her Spanish with Mango Languages and learning Studio 300 software through Hoonuit*. She’s working to turn her documentary class into an online presentation to share with patrons in the coming weeks. For fun, she’s been taking long walks on the trails connected to her neighborhood, practicing yoga and catching up on reading Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivation by Dan Ariely.



A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeJeffrey’s been busy writing blog posts and producing videos made for our public service departments. Maybe you’ve seen some on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram? He’s also updated the Studio 300 on your Chromebook resource list that’s full of websites and apps you can use while Studio 300 is closed. Jeffrey is also working with Adult & Teen Services on the Teen Journal project. This effort encourages teens to share stories, art and other creative work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Get the Teen Journal details here. And since The Nemo Journal, Volume 3 deadline has passed, Jeffrey will devote time to editing and managing the project so it can be printed and shared in our BiblioBoard Local Author collection. For now, you can read The Nemo Journal, Volumes 1 & 2 written by community members. As for his personal reading recommendations, see his blog post, Biblioboard: Your Library from Anywhere.

eResource Update:

A Day in the Life: Studio 300 at HomeThe return of Lynda.com online training!

As we were preparing this blog post, we received fantastic news! The popular online learning environment, Lynda.com, is available once again for our Fountaindale Public Library District community. We’ll prepare a separate blog post about it soon. Access it here.

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