Teen Finals Week (May 2019)

Good Luck on Finals!

Finals can be tough, but we’re here to help you through it all! Stop by the Vortex for a snack and some fun to relax and get through the stress of the week. All events are for teens in grades 6–12. Drop in; no registration required.

S’mores Bar
Monday, May 20, 4–5 p.m.

Satisfy your sweet tooth before settling in to study for finals. Create the world’s greatest s’more with delicious toppings from our s’mores bar!

LOL Movie Marathon
Thursday, May 23, 2–8 p.m.

The school year is almost done. You made it! Reward yourself with a marathon of hilarious films!

Teen Movie Friday
Friday, May 24, 3–5 p.m.

Celebrate the end of finals week and watch movies in the Vortex with friends. Call 630.685.4199 for movie title information.

Tools for Finals Week

Brainfuse Help Now!: Access live online tutoring, writing labs, group collaboration classrooms, résumé writing assistance, high school equivalency and U.S. citizenship test preparation and more. Please note, Google Chrome is recommended when using this resource.

Points of View Reference Center: Access background resources to help you develop your persuasive arguments or essays, understand controversial issues and write or debate an effective argument on a topic.

Scholastic Go!: Explore credible, accurate and reliable research content via nonfiction texts, world newspapers, videos and more on almost every core-curricula subject from elementary through high school.