Owners or administrators of businesses, institutions or entities located within our district boundaries may obtain a borrower’s library card upon providing appropriate documentation and a valid photo ID. The business owner or institution is responsible for payment of any fees from lost or damaged items. The business library card may also be associated with the owner’s personal library card and can be blocked if their personal card is not in good standing. For more information, see our Circulation Policy.
The principal or library/media center director of any public school that resides within our district boundaries can apply for a school account and extend account access to teachers upon providing a teacher listing to our Outreach Services team. Teacher library cards are valid for one year, August 1–July 31. Teachers may check out items for educational purposes and classroom use only. Loan periods for educators are extended to four weeks, and they are responsible for payment of any fees from lost or damaged items. For more information, contact Outreach Services Department at 630.685.4230 or outreach@fountaindale.org.
Individuals who own property within our district boundaries that is not their primary residence may receive a borrower’s library card annually upon providing their property tax bill and a valid photo ID. Property owner who has already been issued a resident library card will not be issued a borrower’s card. For more information, see our Circulation Policy.
Any person who resides in a library taxing district or service area outside of Fountaindale Public Library District may obtain an access card upon completing an application, providing a photo ID with current address, presenting a current non-Fountaindale public library card in good standing and paying the non-resident fee on an annual basis. Access cardholders have the same privileges as Fountaindale cardholders and can borrow materials, register for programs and use Studio 300. For more information, see our Access Card Policy.
Any person that presents a current photo ID along with a valid library card from a library participating in the Illinois reciprocal borrowing* program may obtain reciprocal borrowing privileges upon completion of an application. A reciprocal borrower is limited to only borrowing physical materials from our library and is not eligible to reserve rooms, register for programs, use eResources or access our digital collection. Reciprocal borrowing privileges are valid for one year, or until the expiration date on the reciprocal borrower’s home library account, whichever comes first. Privileges will be denied if the patron’s home library deems their card to not be in good standing.
*Joliet, Lemont, Plainfield, Shorewood-Troy and White Oak Library cardholders are part of the Pinnacle Library Cooperative and do not need to apply for reciprocal borrowing privileges.
Seasonal visitors or residents in transition temporarily residing within our district boundaries may obtain a temporary borrower’s card upon providing a photo ID or letter from a social service agency/temporary employer. Temporary borrower’s cards must provide evidence of residency every 90 days to extend library privileges. For more information, see our Circulation Policy.