Kaiju (I’m strictly speaking about the Kaiju of Pacific Rim because Godzilla’s divine reading taste is on another level.) are well known for their giant and destructive ways. Regardless of the whole devilish desire to destroy mankind, deep down, like any of us, Kaiju want to see themselves reflected in stories. Truly, a good story is a good story even to a 400-foot monster. Especially a good graphic novel; with the whole being a giant monster, they are quite single minded and they can’t take a huge break from the business of tearing down cities. Graphic novels are just easier. So, here are six graphic novels a Kaiju would definitely read!

Graphic Novels a Kaiju Would Read and so Should You

Die by Kieron Gillen

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Horror

While playing Dungeon & Dragons, a group of friends find themselves traveling to another dimension as their mocked-up characters. Years after returning from their initial journey, the same group are thrown back into the world of fantasy, left with the unfinished business of their first campaign. They battle together to find their way back home to their families and their normal lives.

The Kaiju, and I’ve heard them say this, relate to unfinished business, even the kind that would have them traveling through a dimensional rift. While the epic action in Die is definitely something a monster would gravitate towards, I imagine the vibrant colored panels and impressive illustrations makes this graphic novel an easy one for anyone to like.

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Graphic Novels a Kaiju Would Read and so Should You

Monstress by Marjorie Liu

Genre: Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror

Beginning her journey enslaved, Maika Halfwolf looks for answers about the death of her mother and the curse put onto her, while unknowingly starting a new war between humans and Arcanics. Consumed by the psychic link she has to an old demonic God, Maika fights for control and her survival, unwilling to give up either.

The haunting psychic control of a blood thirsty monster might remind you of the Kaiju in Pacific Rim: Uprising, which is to say it is something they enjoy. Monstress is a dark, steampunk tale with amazing illustrations, making it dark enough for any monster to enjoy.

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Graphic Novels a Kaiju Would Read and so Should You

Upgrade Soul by Ezra Claytan Daniels

Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

Following Hank and Molly’s journey with the company known as Upgrade Cell, they endure a process of genetic purification in order to lengthen their lives and add to the quality. However, mistakenly turning into something more gruesome and complicated, the cloning technology creates “better” counterparts. Stuck trying to survive the physical effects of the experimentation, Hank and Molly dream of the return of their old lives.

Ultimately a story about the question of nature and nurture and the things that make you you, Upgrade Soul finds itself as an easy read for enormous monsters. The Kaiju, as I’ve seen it, are mesmerized by the horrific nature of Hank and Molly’s experience, yet drawn in by the interesting idea of human ethics, or lack there of. I’d also like to think anyone would enjoy the troll doll cameo.

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Graphic Novels a Kaiju Would Read and so Should You

Bitter Root by David Walker

Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror

Taking place in 1924’s Harlem, New York, the Sangerye family find their legacy tested as an army of monsters begin to destroy and infect the city. The Sangerye family, known for their root remedies meant to heal the afflicted individuals turned monsters, battle together to take on the sudden demand for monster hunters, not healers.

I think we can all imagine that there’s very little a Kaiju would steer clear of. However, a novel with a bold color palette and an aesthetic take on the Harlem Renaissance would easily sway a Kaiju into enjoying a story about monster hunters.

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Graphic Novels a Kaiju Would Read and so Should You

Absolute Carnage by Donny Cates

Genre: Superheroes, Science Fiction, Marvel

Eddie Brocks reunites with Venom and Spider-Man to stop the growing Carnage. As Carnage collects codices, he threatens the return of Cletus Kasady. Struggling against a powerful army, Eddie prepares himself to fight a losing battle till the very end.

Carnage’s destructive desires and the symbiotes’ very similar hive-mind communication system are what have the Kaiju really gravitating towards this graphic novel. The cameos of big heroes fighting an army of monsters, painted in a deep red color, are really eye-catching, even from miles away.

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Graphic Novels a Kaiju Would Read and so Should You

Godzilla: Aftershock by Arvid Nelson

Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action

A prequel to the film Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Aftershock follows Dr. Russell, Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Graham as they investigate a newly discovered MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism). Nervous about the ancient history surrounding the relationship between the MUTO and Godzilla, the group work to help Godzilla stop the MUTO and its path of destruction.

If you’ve ever been fascinated by the idea of a doppelgänger, you might understand why Kaiju might like this. With interesting lore and some fun monster fights, Aftershock finds itself on a Kaiju’s reading shelf as a definite ode to another franchise.

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Want to see a Kaiju in action?

Find Pacific Rim on our shelves today!