Get Ready For Sound Bytes Volume 3

Well everyone, it’s that time of the year again! Time to get your submissions in for the Sound Bytes, Volume 3 music compilation. SoundBytes features a selection of musical works submitted by the local community through our Bolingbrook: Project Music (BPM) platform. Both Sound Bytes and BPM can be accessed through our local collection which is apart of the Biblioboard library.

Get Ready For Sound Bytes Volume 3

One of the newer features that is very useful is the ability to submit content to Fountaindale’s local collection from within BiblioBoard itself. To be considered for the Sound Bytes, Volume 3 compilation, submit your material no later than Sunday, November 1. You can listen to Sound Bytes, Volumes 1 & 2 as well as other local community content by going to Bolingbrook: Project Music.

We can’t wait to hear your music.