Fall 2020 Virtual Learning Circles

Our Learning Circles model helps you study a topic of interest in-depth with other people from your community. Each seven-week Learning Circle focuses on a single topic. The group takes an online course together and then meets regularly to discuss what they’ve learned and to help one another. We limit each Learning Circle to patrons who will commit to the full seven weeks. Register now to reserve your spot.

Music Made Easy

Mondays, September 14–October 26, 6 p.m.
Enjoy music and want to know more? Get an understanding of rhythm, melody and harmony, and learn the basics of reading, writing and playing simple music pieces.

Write Fiction Like a Pro

Wednesdays, September 16–October 28, 6 p.m.
Discover how to structure your own original novel and stories for maximum dramatic effect. Understand premise, character, theme, viewpoint, dialogue, pacing and other techniques to build scenes and set your story on a clear path from start to finish. This program is ideal preparation for NaNoWriMo in November.

Music Business Fundamentals

Tuesdays, October 6–27, 7:30 p.m.
Dive deep into key areas and take your professional music career further in this four-week course. Learn to protect your work, assemble a team, use marketing resources, find distribution, talk with music industry professionals and more.


Introduction to Photoshop CC

Tuesdays, October 13– November 24, 6 p.m.
Artists, photographers, designers and hobbyists all rely on Adobe Photoshop for image creation, editing and more. Get detailed, step-by-step instructions and use Photoshop CC with confidence.


Introduction to SQL

Wednesdays, November 11–December 23, 6 p.m.
Learn the industry-standard Structured Query Language used for relational databases. This is also valuable for beginning web developers to understand. No class on November 25.