What Would The Joker Read?Have you seen the new Joker movie yet?

As far as I’m aware after watching it, The Joker does not have a library card. This is just one of the many profoundly sad things that you can expect from Joker. I am hopeful, however, that in the next movie there will be at least somewhere between three and 56 scenes dedicated to him visiting his local library.

If they do decide to feature a library in the next Joker movie, here’s what I envision he would check out with his library card.


What Would The Joker Read?

Comedy Writing Secrets by Melvin Helitzer

The Joker is not particularly funny, and his stand up career is laughable at best. There’s no shame in going back to basics and brushing up on your comedy writing skills.

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What Would The Joker Read?

Batman by Tom King

The best way to defeat your enemy is to learn as much about him as possible, right?

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What Would The Joker Read?

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The Joker could really use some people on his side. The laugh isn’t helping, but there is hope.

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What Would The Joker Read?

Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual: For Everyone from Beginner to Pro by Bobbi Brown

His makeup technique is so-so at best. I feel like if he learned about setting spray and practiced a few techniques then he could really take his look to the next level.

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What Would The Joker Read?

IT (2018)

Everybody has to have somebody to look up to.

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What Would The Joker Read?

Walk the Line (2005)

For some reason the actor in this one just looks really really familiar. A long lost brother, perhaps?

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