The word bookworm is defined as “a person unusually devoted to reading and study.” If you ask me, there’s nothing unusual about it. As any good bookworm knows, this is a legitimate lifestyle. I have a certificate and everything. I might have made it and paid for it myself, but it still counts! There’s no right way to be a bookworm, they come in many varieties. And in fact, if you were from another country you might be referred to as a bookmoth instead of a bookworm. I prefer the term bookdragon, but that still hasn’t caught on in most circles.
You too might be a bookworm if you can relate to some or all of the following traits (and yes, I can also print you a certificate if you really need one):
- Your local librarian knows you by name
- You know that Axis360 usually has shorter hold times
You pack more books than underwear on vacation
- You know that the book is always better than the movie
- You keep buying new books even though your TBR (to be read) pile is taller than you are
- Your significant other buys you books instead of flowers
- You tell yourself just one more chapter before bed and then end up staying awake until 3 a.m. to finish the book
- You fill out our Personalized Reading Recommendation form when you need new book suggestions
- You bring a book (or two) with you wherever you go so that you can read while waiting in line, while on the train, while your waiter brings you your food, etc.
- You listen to audiobooks on your device
- You’re part of a book club
- You put a hold on upcoming books weeks before they are released
- You named your child/pet/plant after a literary character or author
- You have strong opinions about the oxford comma
- You match your outfit to the book that you’re reading that day
- You tell your friends you’re busy so that you can stay home and read
- You love to read books about books
- You have strong opinions about movie tie-in book covers
- You check out our Amazon Fire tablets to read popular adult and teen eBooks
- You regularly watch our YouTube channel for book talk videos