The Fountaindale Public Library District provides public access wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) service to serve the needs of the Library and the Fountaindale community for the purposes of information seeking and recreation. Use of the Wi-Fi service is governed by the policy established by the Library Board of Trustees and any applicable rules or regulations adopted by the Library. The Library Director as the executor of the policy for the Board of Trustees has discretion in determining what use is “in the best interest of the Library” and is authorized to act accordingly, including limiting the use of the Wi-Fi service by individuals whose activities interfere with Library operations, adversely affect public safety, or cause public disturbances. The Board of Trustees may modify, amend or supplement this policy, as it deems necessary and appropriate.
The Library strives to provide fast and effective Wi-Fi Internet service for all of its patrons. The Wi-Fi Internet service may become subordinate to other needs of the Library.
To use the Library’s Wi-Fi Internet connection, acceptance of this policy is required. Declining this policy will deny access to the Wi-Fi Internet connection. Depending on the device used, you may need to open a web browser in order for the policy acceptance page to appear.
The Wi-Fi Internet connections may be used only for designated and legal purposes. Illegal or prohibited acts shall include but are not limited to: unauthorized copyright use such as unauthorized downloading of copyrighted content; viewing obscene or sexually explicit material; falsification of documents; violating software licenses; damaging or attempting to damage Library equipment/software/software configurations; compromising system security; impacting network performance; libel or slander; misrepresentation; solicitation; harassment or cyber-bullying.
Make appropriate choices about the images viewed when others are present. The Library is a public place that serves people of all ages and sensibilities.
Use of sound-muffling headphones or muted sound on your laptop is required to avoid disturbing others.
Access to aisles, exits, library materials, exhibit cases or other resources must be kept unobstructed.
Signal strength may vary throughout the library. Please move to a different location within the library if you are having trouble securing a connection or staying online.
Wireless connections are not secure; please use caution when transmitting personal information.
Be prepared to use battery power. Do not plug into an outlet where you block aisles, exits or access to materials or equipment.
Do not leave your equipment unattended. The library is not responsible for equipment that is lost or stolen.
The Wi-Fi Internet connection is only available during normal library hours.
The District assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its computer network or from its connection to other Internet services.
Library staff can provide basic assistance in connecting to the Wi-Fi Internet service.
Library staff reserves the right to end a wireless session at any time.
The Board of Trustees of the Fountaindale Public Library District will review the Public Access Wireless Internet Policy and regulations periodically and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Board authorizes the Library Director to waive regulations under appropriate circumstances. The Library Director is the chief person empowered to make decisions regarding the availability and use of the study rooms. The Library Director has delegated authority to approve Business Center usage to the Adult and Teen Services Department staff.
Any appeals for changes to, or exceptions to, any portion of the Public Access Wireless Internet Policy will be considered. An individual wishing to file an appeal shall submit it to the Library Director in writing. The Library Director will respond in writing.