The Fountaindale Public Library District has a significant interest in maintaining an environment that allows patrons to freely access library information and resources. This significant interest requires the library to maintain policies that protect the privacy of its patrons and staff members and ensures their freedom from harassment, intimidation, and threats to their safety and well-being. In order to provide appropriate safeguards against such behavior and enforce policies and procedures addressing that behavior when it occurs, the District has adopted the following policy regarding the taking of photographs or videos inside the library building and inside its vehicles.
Permission is not required for taking photographs or videos in public areas of the library building and vehicles for personal, noncommercial use if no tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment are used.
However, there may be library locations and/or exhibition areas where the taking of photographs or videos is restricted or prohibited (i.e., restrooms, rooms reserved for nursing). Taking photographs or videos of, or in, areas reserved for staff use only is also prohibited. If tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment is to be used, written requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance to the Executive Director or his/her designee. Persons taking photographs and videos shall not (i) compromise a patron or staff member’s right to privacy; (ii) harass, intimidate, or threaten a patron or staff member; (iii) block library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits or otherwise compromise life safety mandates; (iv) violate federal or state criminal statutes or local ordinances; (v) violate election laws when the Library is being used as a voting location.
Taking photographs and videos outside of the library building and/or of the library grounds and vehicles does not require permission. However, the activity may not impede the ingress or egress of patrons or staff to or from the library building or vehicles or otherwise compromise life safety mandates.
The District may permit use of its facilities and vehicles for the taking of commercial photographs or videos if the project does not interfere with the mission of the District and is in accordance with the rest of this policy. The District may charge a fee to offset costs incurred by the library to provide access to the facility and prior permission of the Executive Director (or his/her designee) must be sought at least one week in advance.
The District permits the taking of photographs and videos of its publicly available collections. However, persons taking photographs and videos are solely responsible for obtaining consent or other permission when taking photographs or videos of copyrighted materials.
The District may take and share photos, videos, and audio recordings including patron created content as part of a program at the library and during library events and programs to use in its publicity materials and on its website and social media sites. The library reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of the library building and grounds. These photographs, videos, and audio recordings may be copied, displayed, televised, and published (including on any library web site or social media site). Any individual that does not wish the library to use a photograph or video recording or audio recording of them or their child must inform a library staff member prior to or while such photographs or videos or audio recordings are being taken.
Pursuant to Section 2.05 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), any person may record the proceedings of the Library Board and other meetings required by the Act to be open to the public, subject to the reasonable rules prescribed by the Board of Trustees. The recordings may be made by tape, film or other means and shall not disrupt the meeting or create a safety hazard.
Persons involved in taking photographs or videos are solely liable for any injuries to persons or property that result from their activities on District property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The District undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.
The District reserves the right to ask any individual or group violating this policy to cease the taking of photographs or videos.
Failure to comply with Library policies, rules and regulations (including this policy) will be grounds for suspension of library privileges for up to six months.
Any individual using the library shall be held responsible for willful or accidental damage to the Library building, grounds, collections, furniture, or vehicles caused by the individual or group.
The Board of Trustees of the Fountaindale Public Library District will review the Photography and Filming policy and regulations periodically and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Board authorizes the Executive Director to waive regulations under appropriate circumstances. The Executive Director is the chief person empowered to make decisions regarding photography and filming within the Library.
Any appeals for changes to, or exceptions to, any portion of the Photography and Filming policy will be considered. An individual wishing to file an appeal shall submit it to the Executive Director in writing within ten (10) days of a decision. The Executive Director will respond in writing.