Fountaindale Public Library District provides interlibrary loan (ILL) services to give patrons access to library resources that are not available in our library or in the Pinnacle Library Cooperative. Materials are borrowed from other libraries outside of our district and we provide materials from our collections to other libraries. Use of this service is governed by the policy established by the Library Board of Trustees and any applicable rules or regulations adopted by the Library. The Executive Director as the executor of the policy for the Board of Trustees has discretion in determining what use is “in the best interest of the Library” and is authorized to act accordingly, including limiting the use of circulating items by individuals whose activities interfere with library operations, adversely affect public safety, or cause public disturbances. The Board of Trustees may modify, amend or supplement this policy, as it deems necessary and appropriate.
Interlibrary loan is available to anyone with a library card in good standing from Fountaindale Public Library and Pinnacle Library Cooperative libraries that agree to the provision of these services outside of their home library.
Teacher Cards are not eligible for interlibrary loan requests.
Non-Pinnacle cardholders must go to their home library for ILL services.
The interlibrary loan process can typically take two to six weeks for materials to arrive. Materials that are being borrowed from outside Illinois take longer to arrive. The library cannot guarantee the availability of materials or how quickly they may arrive.
Some libraries do charge fees to loan their materials. There may also be charges for photocopies. If that is the case, a Fountaindale staff member will notify the patron to determine whether they would still like to borrow the item and pay the fees.
The following materials are not available to request through interlibrary loan:
Requests for Fountaindale-sponsored book discussion groups need to be identified when the ILL request is made. The date of the discussion must be included on the request.
ILL staff will attempt to borrow requested materials available at libraries located within the United States or Canada.
Each cardholder is limited to five requests a day. The maximum number of active requests at any one time is 35.
The label or paperwork that accompanies interlibrary loan material must be returned with the item. The cardholder may be charged for the material if the paperwork is not with the item.
Material must be picked up and returned to Fountaindale Public Library, its bookmobile, or its book drops but not to any other library. Overdue fines may be charged if material is returned to another library.
Materials borrowed through interlibrary loan must be picked up within five days of notification. If materials are not picked up on a regular basis, interlibrary loan privileges may be suspended.
If a patron regularly does not return interlibrary loan materials on their due dates or otherwise abuses this Interlibrary Loan Policy, interlibrary loan privileges may be suspended.
Cardholders may not re-request the same item more than three times in a 12-month period.
If there are any questions about a request, ILL staff will attempt to contact the cardholder according to the information in the cardholder’s library account.
When interlibrary loan materials arrive, the cardholder will be notified according to the information in the cardholder’s library account.
The loan period for interlibrary loan materials is based upon Fountaindale Public Library’s set loan periods for its own collections. ILL items do count toward any limits established for cardholders.
The lending library may impose restrictions on loans, which may include using the material in our library only or not allowing photocopying.
Renewals of interlibrary loan materials are permitted on the condition that the lending library approves the renewal. Renewals can only be requested by interlibrary loan staff before the due date. There is no guarantee that the lending library will allow a renewal. There is a maximum of one renewal available. Overdue items will not be renewed.
Material that is not returned, is lost, or is damaged will result in fines and fees. These fines and fees are determined by the owning library. Replacement copies will not be accepted; the cardholder will pay for the replacement of the material.
Patrons who have overdue items may have ILL privileges suspended until the item is returned and/or account charges for lost and damaged items are paid.
No refunds are available for interlibrary loan materials.
Fountaindale Public Library District staff reserves the right to invalidate a library account and to grant temporary extensions of account privileges in appropriate circumstances.
Any individual shall be held responsible for willful or accidental damage to interlibrary loan materials caused by the individual and/or when checked out to their account or accounts for which they are responsible.
The Board of Trustees of Fountaindale Public Library District will review the Interlibrary Loan Policy and regulations periodically and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Board authorizes the Executive Director to waive regulations under appropriate circumstances. The Executive Director is the chief person empowered to make decisions regarding the circulation of items and procedures as related to lending and borrowing. The Executive Director has delegated authority to implement this policy to the Collection Services Manager.
Any appeals for changes to, or exceptions to, any portion of the Interlibrary Loan Policy will be considered. An individual wishing to file an appeal shall submit it to the Executive Director in writing. The Executive Director will respond in writing.